February Member of the Month

What brought you to Island Rec? I started here because my daughter went to the Discovery Club (We love you, Miss Charmaine!) and I could work out before I picked her up. 

What is your favorite part about Island Rec? So many things! First of all, the staff is always so warm and welcoming. Secondly, the facilities are always clean and kept up really well. 

What is your preferred type of exercise here? My favorite thing to do is walk the track. I get to listen to my favorite podcasts and decompress for a little bit. I also use the weight machines and every once and while I'll do a Wellbeats class. 

Do you have a favorite local restaurant? Captain Woody's and Mellow Mushroom

Where were you born? Myrtle Beach, SC but I grew up in Asheville, NC

What do you do for a living? 4th grade teacher at Hilton Head Elementary (Go Otters!)

Do you have any hobbies? If so, what? Anything with my family is what makes me the happiest. 

Tell us a random fact about yourself: I am a huge Elvis fan and I have been to Graceland twice. 


March Member of the Month, Amara H.


December Member of the Month, Cuitlahuac T