May Member of the Month, Sue R

What brought you to Island Rec?
The facility is bright, clean  and cheery. Staff is friendly and helpful. Wide range of equipment and well maintained. 

What is your favorite part about Island Rec? 
In addition to a good workout, I like Island Rec's involvement in the community.

What is your preferred type of exercise here?
I enjoy the pool and the eliptical machines. 

Do you have a favorite local restaurant? 
Any restaurant! I don’t need to cook then:)

Where were you born?
Dayton, Ohio

What do you do for a living?
I retired after many years working in an elementary school. 

Do you have any hobbies? If so, what?
I enjoy biking, gardening and being a grandparent. 

Tell us a random fact about yourself
I’m one of 9 children in our family. 


June Member of the Month, Blanca M


April Member of the Month, Sugar H.